German Dictionary

Translation of shunt in German

to shunt     rangieren

Translation by Vocabulix


Ok. I will send you a new exercise. As far as I remember, you got the book for 10 Euro. Is that correct? Meanwhile, please send me your email address, your Skype user name and if you want phone number.
The advantage of this change is that: 1. it improves the response time after every asked word by double. 2. Some do not want to save their lessons, they just want to test it without results being collected...
We could not find a nice hotel so we just took whatever we found in the center of town. We were a little upset with the entire stress, so that we had left our bags in the cab when it drove away.
Newly added translation: sister-in-law    sleepiness    sneak    solvable    specialty    springboard    start-up    stollen    structured    suffix   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of rangieren
rangiere  rangierst  rangiert  rangieren  rangiert  rangieren  rangierte  rangiertest  rangierte  rangierten  rangiertet  rangierten