German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: Her puffy eyes showed me that she had been crying before. |
Ihre geschwollenen Augen zeigten mir, dass sie vorher geweint hatte. |
In rebuttal of your arguments I will show you the appropriate dictionary entry. | Als Widerlegung deiner Argumente zeige ich dir den entsprechenden Wörterbucheintrag. |
He didn't show any indication of remorse. | Er zeigte kein Anzeichen von Reue. |
to show commitment for; stand up for; champion something | sich einsetzen für |
to show somebody round; to show somebody around | herumführen |
to show one's feelings | seine Gefühle zeigen |
show-showed-shown; show-showed-showed | zeigen |
show of support | Geste der Unterstützung |
the show is over | die Vorstellung ist aus |
demonstrate; show | zeigen; vorführen |
show-showed-shown | zeigen-zeigte-gezeigt |
show s.o. (a)round | jdn herumführen |

We bought a Sandwich and were looking for a taxi, but the streets were so crowded that we had to wait nearly one hour to find a cab. We even had to walk a few blocks in order to catch one.
Hi there again, before I forget to send you my email address, it's *****, whit this email address we can speak with Skype. I hope that we can continue our friendship. Please stay in touch me soon. bye
We asked for the price and were surprised to hear it: A hundred dollars a night. We were actually happy to hear the high price because we knew that if we would not find anything else there was still a good place to stay in.
Hi there again, before I forget to send you my email address, it's *****, whit this email address we can speak with Skype. I hope that we can continue our friendship. Please stay in touch me soon. bye
We asked for the price and were surprised to hear it: A hundred dollars a night. We were actually happy to hear the high price because we knew that if we would not find anything else there was still a good place to stay in.
English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of show [ showed, shown ] | ||||
German Verbs | Present | Past | ||
Conjugation of zeigen [gezeigt] |
zeige zeigst zeigt zeigen zeigt zeigen | zeigte zeigtest zeigte zeigten zeigtet zeigten |