German Dictionary

Translation of self-confident in German

self-confident     selbstsicher
self-confident     selbstbewusst

Translation by Vocabulix


self-confident selbstbewusst; selbstvertrauend
self-confident; self-assured selbstbewusst(1)
self-confident selbstbewußt
self-confident unabhängig

At noon we drove back to the tiny airport near the city and a few moments later we were already in the skies. The flight to Saigon, today's name Ho Chi Minh city, lasted more or less one hour.
First we got some lunch which was the first normal experience on that day. Then we were told to take a boat. A fisherman and his young daughter were rowing and we continued on the river.
Your correction, the vocabulary builder and the verb conjugation exercises are my best practice to learn Italian. Anyway should you need my advice or my assistance in language learning, I am here.
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