German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: Coronary diseases are plaguing wealthy countries like a retribution to their greed. |
Koronare Krankheiten plagen reiche Länder wie ein Rachefeldzug gegen ihre Gier. |
It looks like we need to invite Erika again to my home, once the cake is ready. Of course, this should be done before Sunday to stay in the chocolate cake race. We should buy cream too.
Coniralu is the fifth school, for which I work as an agent in Europe (currently 3 of them actively). For all other schools I have found many students. The earliest connections came after 4-5 weeks.
The course was a bit tough because the teacher always gave lots of homework. We were upset about his behaviour. He was very arrogant towards all the students. It was simply no fun to study there.
Coniralu is the fifth school, for which I work as an agent in Europe (currently 3 of them actively). For all other schools I have found many students. The earliest connections came after 4-5 weeks.
The course was a bit tough because the teacher always gave lots of homework. We were upset about his behaviour. He was very arrogant towards all the students. It was simply no fun to study there.
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