German Dictionary

Translation of resident in German

the resident      der Einwohner 
resident     wohnhaft

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He lamented residents ignoring the 'No Swimming' sign at the reservoir.

Er beklagte sich darüber, dass Anwohner das 'Nicht schwimmen!' Schild am Stausee ignorierten.
a resident Bewohner; Einwohner; Hotelgast
resident Bewohner/in; Einwohner/in
resident angesiedelt, Einwohner
resident Bewohner, Einwohner
the resident der Bewohner
resident inwoner

When we left the stadium after the game there were plenty of people on the streets. The neighbors opened their windows to sell grilled meat and the entire street smelled of meat and smoke.
how are you? Where do you live in Austria? I hope your Spanish is good enough that you understand my sentences! If you can't understand it i will write this in English. I live in Munich, btw.
We checked in at the Hotel de Paris, a small hotel owned by a friendly, old lady. Our rooms were OK, but we asked to be transferred to the newer part of the hotel. The stomach ache of my wife did not disappear.
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