German Dictionary

Translation of recently in German

recently     neulich

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The portal's reputation suffered after a group of young users recently committed suicide together.

Der Ruf des Portals litt, als eine Gruppe jugendlicher Nutzer sich kürzlich gemeinsam umbrachte.
the other day/Recently neulich, kürzlich
recently; recent kürzlich; vor Kurzem
recently kürzlich, unlängst
recently kürzlich, vor kurzem
recently kürzlich, neuerdings
recently neulich, kürzlich
until recently bis vor kurzem
recently vor kurzem; neulich
recently* vor kurzem

After breakfast we visited one of the largest markets in the country. It was very close to the hotel and we were tempted to buy souvernirs and other stuff that we would never use ever again.
It must have taken them years and ten's of thousands of workers to accomplish the tasks of constructing such spectacular compounds. We took many pictures and walked back to the taxi.
Breakfast was really nice, since the hotel had a nice buffet and good coffee. We than went to look for a car rental service to get a car for the day. We wanted to drive around the lakes region.
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