German Dictionary

Translation of protective in German

protective     Schutz-

Translation by Vocabulix


protective schützend; Schutz-
protective clothing Schutzkleidung
protective beschützerisch
protective of schützend
protective of besorgt

So she and I went to the food store to buy some lunch. However, the store had almost no food and one could pay in local currency or in US dollars. One could really see the country's poor economy.
We all know that the consequences are awful. All are struggling, some kill eachother, mostly for really foolish reasons. They are not aware of it. Drugs should never be tolerated in any country.
After a long sleep we ordered a cab which took us from the hotel to the airport. We were a little sad to leave. The flight over the South China Sea lasted two hours. We landed in Hong Kong's new airport.
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