German Dictionary

Translation of parent in German

the parent     der Elternteil; die Erziehungsberechtigte

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Do you have a parent or a sibling living in the U.S.?

Haben Sie einen Elternteil oder Geschwister, die in den USA ansässig sind?
lone-parent family; single-parent family Ein-Eltern-Familie
parent company Stammsitz; Muttergesellschaft
single parent alleinerziehende(r)(1)
parent; (only one) der Elternteil
the parent(s) der Elter, Eltern

It was better to avoid this city at the moment, although it is supposed to be one of the more beautiful ones in the entire region. It is considered historic, beautiful and a culturally important city.
We arrived at the hotel which we booked in advance but decided not to stay there. Instead the driver convinced us to stay at the Borei Angkor Hotel. We were sure that he would get a sales commission.
The next morning we got up at 4.30. At sunrise, one hour later, a taxi waited for us in front of the hotel. He would take us on a 2 hours private sightseeing tour around Arequipa, just before traffic started.
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