German Dictionary

Translation of outline in German

to outline     entwerfen
the outline      der Umriss 
the outline     die Gliederung
the outline     der Grundriss; die Aufzeichnung; die Kontur

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
I nearly used my entire eraser to eliminate the incorrect outline.

Ich verbrauchte fast meinen ganzen Radiergummi, um den falschen Umriss zu eliminieren.
to outline Überblick geben; umreißen
to outline behandeln; kurz darstellen
outline Umriss, Gliederung
outline Skizze/skizzieren
outline übersicht
outline struktur

I hope you can understand the corrections this way... Two small errors. let me know if there is a word or sentence or phrase that you didn't understand! I will try to think more on the "since" question...
I would like to chat with you regularly, but it looks like you are not online at the moment. I heard about the political turmoil in your country, and I hope that it is not going to affect you.
Fortunately and against all odds there were seats available so that we changed our booking to the same day. Our destination was El Calafate in the South of Patagonia in order to see the glaciers.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of outline   [ outlined, outlined ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of entwerfen
entwerfe  entwirfst  entwirft  entwerfen  entwerft  entwerfen  entwarf  entwarfst  entwarf  entwarfen  entwarft  entwarfen