German Dictionary

Translation of optimize in German

to optimize     optimieren

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
We still need to optimize many aspects of our project in order to reach perfection.

Wie müssen viele Aspekte unseres Projektes noch optimieren, um Perfektion zu erreichen.

Ok. I will send you a new exercise. As far as I remember, you got the book for 10 Euro. Is that correct? Meanwhile, please send me your email address, your Skype user name and if you want phone number.
My web designer found a bug and fixed it. Please ignore the last email. There seems to be a misunderstanding: When a user clicks on the Demo button, our cookie will automatically be set. That's it.
Eating in that Sushi place was fan as everybody was greeted loudly whenever entering the restaurant. The quality of the Sushi was not the best, it was a fast food place, but we really enjoyed it.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of optimize   [ optimized, optimized ]