German Dictionary

Translation of negotiate in German

to negotiate     verhandeln
to negotiate     aushandeln

Translation by Vocabulix


negotiate; negotiate aushandeln; bewältigen
negotiate the obstacles die Klippen umschiffen
to negotiate pay rates Zahlungen aushandeln
to negotiate verhandeln, aushandeln
to negotiate/ to hear verhandeln

I made a mistake regarding the information of the yield, you were right. I do not know whether the software had a license, I will let you know once I speak with my employer (tomorrow). Hasta luego.
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The ice blocks that usually break off during the summer started already to break off in spring due to the Global warming. The glaciers in general were loosing volume as we were told and as we could see.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of negotiate   [ negotiated, negotiated ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verhandeln
verhandle  verhandelst  verhandelt  verhandeln  verhandelt  verhandeln  verhandelte  verhandeltest  verhandelte  verhandelten  verhandeltet  verhandelten