German Dictionary

Translation of mint in German

to mint     prägen
the mint     die Minze; die Münze
mint     postfrisch

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The smell of fresh mint makes me want to vomit.

Der Geruch von frischer Minze gibt mir das Gefühl, mich erbrechen zu wollen.
The old stamp was in mint condition and worth lot of money. Die alte Briefmarke befand sich im postfrischen Zustand und war viel Geld wert.
to mint; stamp; coin praegen
mint Minze

We sat on the balcony and saw that the hotel had even a pool on the roof top but I did not have the courage to jump in. It just looked to dirty and as no one was in there I did not need to be the first.
I am doing nothing at the moment, i am just watching TV... what kind of TV shows do you like? I'm sorry but i don't have Skype, but I guess we can still stay in touch like this, using the Vocabulix chat system.
Many thanks for your letter. I am delighted to tell you that I have passed my exams and am looking forward to the next year. Meanwhile I am planning a trip to Costa Rica and some places around there.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of mint   [ minted, minted ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of prägen
präge  prägst  prägt  prägen  prägt  prägen  prägte  prägtest  prägte  prägten  prägtet  prägten