German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: The laboratory was full of leftovers. |
Das Labor war voller Essensreste. |
After work, the scientists shared lasagna in the laboratory. | Nach der Arbeit teilten sich die Wissenschaftler im Labor eine Lasagne. |
laboratory assistant | Labormitarbeiter |
laboratory | Labor(atorium) |

In addition, two woman were singing songs taken from Vietnamese theater. Again, I don't exactly recall what it was all about, but it seems boring and unimportant from today's point of view.
how are you? Where do you live in Austria? I hope your Spanish is good enough that you understand my sentences! If you can't understand it i will write this in English. I live in Munich, btw.
The biggest city in Germany is Berlin. The other big cities are not as big but some of them are really nice. And especially the smaller cities here are very charming and worth visiting.
how are you? Where do you live in Austria? I hope your Spanish is good enough that you understand my sentences! If you can't understand it i will write this in English. I live in Munich, btw.
The biggest city in Germany is Berlin. The other big cities are not as big but some of them are really nice. And especially the smaller cities here are very charming and worth visiting.