German Dictionary

Translation of granted in German

granted     bewilligt

Translation by Vocabulix


for granted; self-evident selbstverständlich
granted erteilt,bewilligt
granted gewährt
granted voraussetzen

Today we have what we call 'hair dryer wind' (south wind from over the Alps), and it is around 30 degrees in Aarau. In some places even 31. Many people have headaches because of the weather.
Anyway, I will add the 'offending' word feature within a few hours and write you an email once it is up and we will give it a try. Do you agree? Did you get my message? When do you want to start translating for me?
I'm also not interested in such things, but I had a classmate who recommended the book 'Mice and Men' and that's why I bought it. It is a very interesting book and tells about old times in the U.S.
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