German Dictionary

Translation of grandchildren in German

grandchildren     Enkel; Enkelkinder

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Her grandchildren were playing soccer in the yard.

Ihre Enkelkinder spielten Fußball im Hof.
The dog growled at her grandchildren every time they played hockey. Der Hund knurrte ihre Enkel jedes Mal an, wenn sie Hockey spielten.

This is a sentence that completes the document so that it will not be shorter than one thousand words. I will add also another one in the second set of words. However, try to learn Spanish or to learn German.
We have met over 20 years ago during our holidays. We live in Florida and are working both for a computer company. I fly several times a month. I wish you another beautiful Sunday afternoon!
The people of Majorca are very friendly, helpful and prepared for tourism. The young tourist come here just to party, to meet other people and to have fun on the beach! Just right the right thing for me.
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