German Dictionary

Translation of forecast in German

to forecast     vorhersagen
to forecast     voraussagen
the forecast     die Vorhersage

Translation by Vocabulix


the weather; forecast das Wetter; voraussagen
the weahter forecast die Wettervorhersage
weather forecast die Wettervorhersage
to predict; to forecast vorhersagen
sales forecast Verkaufsvoraussage
interim forecast Zwischenprognose
forecast voraussagen; vorhersehen
forecast voraussagen; Vorhersage
forecast Voraussage, Prognose
forecast Vorhersage; Prognose
prediction; forecast Prognose
sales forecast Umsatzprognose

Then we did a boat trip which started somewhere in the delta and ended somewhere else in the delta. Each couple received a boat and an elderly lady had to row. I did not feel comfortable with that.
For me it's a really I nice way to learn English vocabulary, verbs and grammar. I created a new vocabulary lesson about leisure and health. There are many words in that lesson.
I have another question to you: How old are you? You look very young on your picture. Your life sounds really interesting but I cannot imagine how it is to live there. Is it safe there?
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of forecast   [ forecast, forecast ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of vorhersagen
sage vorher  sagst vorher  sagt vorher  sagen vorher  sagt vorher  sagen vorher  sagte vorher  sagtest vorher  sagte vorher  sagten vorher  sagtet vorher  sagten vorher