German Dictionary

Translation of flag in German

to flag     kennzeichnen
the flag      die Flagge 
the flag     die Fahne; die Flagge
the flag     das Kennzeichen

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
When they sang the hymn, the American flag began to dance.

Als sie die Hymne sangen, begann die amerikanische Flagge zu tanzen.
The 50 states of the USA are shown on the national flag as stars. Die 50 Bundesstaaten der USA werden auf der nationalen Flagge als Sterne gezeigt.
The flag(s) Die Flagge, Flaggen
corner flag Eckfahne
flag (s) Fahne (n)
flag Flagge, Fahne
Flag(s) Fahne(n)
flag Fahne

Sorry, I don't know but I have asked some friends for help. Hope they will answer soon! Where did you find this sentence? He's originally from Scotland, so I hope you can understand his accent.
Please correct me, if i misspelled something! Where are you living? What are you doing in your life? I hope it's okay if i correct your mistakes. I wish you could do the same for me, it will help my writing skills.
We exchanged numbers and they offered that we should contact them once we'd arrive to the capital. After dinner we bought some chocolate in one of the many stores, but it was not tasty, compared to Swiss chocolate.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of flag   [ flagged, flagged ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of kennzeichnen
kennzeichne  kennzeichnest  kennzeichnet  kennzeichnen  kennzeichnet  kennzeichnen  kennzeichnete  kennzeichnetest  kennzeichnete  kennzeichneten  kennzeichnetet  kennzeichneten