German Dictionary

Translation of fart in German

to fart     furzen
to fart     pupsen [vulg]
the fart     der Furz

Translation by Vocabulix


fart around herumblödln
fart der Furz (Fürze)
to fart furzen

The places we have been to were very different from the one we saw in the other country. It looked less poor and much more orgnaized although not every one could tell the difference. Funny.
It was so packed and it looked like a heap of ants climbing the temple. I would estimate that there were about a thousand people simultaneously climbing the temple which was not very big.
The next day we decided to spend on the other side of the mountain range (antiplano), in Bolivia. We didn't have the courage to drive deep into Bolivia, as everyone told us about the bad infrastructure and condition there.
Most common translations: fern    financier    flavour    foolhardy    forty-six    from on    gamble    geophysics    glue    grain   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of fart   [ farted, farted ]