German Dictionary

Translation of farm in German

the farm     der Bauernhof; die Farm
the farm     das Bauernhaus

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The farm was her favorite place to relax and write.

Der Bauernhof war ihr Lieblingsort zum Entspannen und Schreiben.
Leeks are being grown on most of Holland's farms. Lauch wird bei den meisten Bauernhöfen in Holland angebaut.
Besides cattle, there were also two mules living on the farm. Außer Kühen lebten auch noch zwei Maultiere auf dem Bauernhof.
labourer; (farm) labourer (Land) arbeiter/in; Tagelöhner/in
a farm eine Farm,ein Bauernhof
farm set Spielzeug-Bauernhof
to farm bebauen, bearbeiten
factory farm Agrarfabrik
farm hand Landarbeiter
to farm züchten

The places we have been to were very different from the one we saw in the other country. It looked less poor and much more orgnaized although not every one could tell the difference. Funny.
Our first station was a temple from which one could see the sunset in the best way, as it was a on hill leaning westwards. It was a walk uphill of more than thirty minutes and quite steep.
At noon we continued to the Altiplano to visit some lakes and volcanoes. At 4000 meter above see level it became suddenly extremely cold and our heads started to spin. Altitude sickness?
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