German Dictionary

Translation of curious in German

curious     kurios; neugierig

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The curious dwarf in the fairytale was punished by the prince.

Der neugierige Zwerg wurde in dem Märchen vom Prinz bestraft.
whimsical; playful; curious neckisch; seltsam; wunderlich
strange; curious; exotico, raro (2da) merkwürdig
strange / curious; (*) (kyuries)(2) merkwürdig
inquisitive; curious wissbegierig, neugierig
curious neugierig, seltsam
curious neugierig,seltsam

We were a little worried about the entry to Vietnam because regulations specifically mentioned to leave two blank pages in the passport for the Visa stamp and my wife's passport was full.
People on the bikes continued to drive around us although we were in the middle of the street. Supposedly this city has more than ten million inhabitants and more than three million bikes.
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