German Dictionary

Translation of complaint in German

the complaint      die Klage 
the complaint     die Beanstandung; die Beschwerde; die Klage; die Reklamation

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
She came to see the doctor because of her pelvic complaints.

Sie suchte den Doktor auf, weil sie Unterleibsbeschwerden hatte.
You are really fortunate to get heard with your complaint. Du hast wirklich Glück, dass man Dich mit Deiner Beschwerde anhört.
to make a complaint eine Beschwerde vorbringen
appropriate complaint angebrachte beschwerde
to make a complaint eine Beschwerde machen
letter of complaint Mängelrüge
to file a complaint Anzeige erstatten
letter of complaint Beschwerdebrief
complaint Beschwerde; Beanstandung
complaint Beschwerde, Reklamation
complaint Beschwerde Reklamation
complaint Klage; Beschwerde

I would also like to talk to you via VOIP. I have installed Messanger on one of our laptops. I was wondering if you received my last email that I sent last weekend or so. It contained a few images of our home, state and family.
Which language are you speaking? What do you do in your leisure time? Do you have any pets? I have a little dog named 'Wagner' and he is very cute. Funny name, isn't it? Email me back as soon as you can.
I'm divorced and I have three children, two boys one girl. Last year we visited California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. We traveled all this states by car. Next year I wanna do the east coast.
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