German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: He had a bad cold, and she looked a bit groggy, too. |
Er hatte eine schwere Erkältung, und sie sah auch etwas angeschlagen aus. |
The Neanderthal was used to living in a cold climate. | Der Neandertaler war daran gewöhnt, in einem kalten Klima zu leben. |
Margret's oldest daughter had a cold and was whiny all day. | Margrets älteste Tochter hatte eine Erkältung und war den ganzen Tag lang weinerlich. |
cold dessert; arctic dessert | Eiswüste; Schneewüste |
cold and unfriendly | kalt und unfreundlich |
to have a cold | eine Erkältung haben |
to catch a cold | (sich) erkälten |
a cold | Schnupfen, Verkühlung |
to catch cold | sich erkälten |
be cold (v); be freezing | frieren |
catch a cold | sich erkälten |
have a cold | erkältet sein |

And I think it is really good idea for us to writing with each other in Spanish or English. however i am still beginner for Spanish learning. It seems still impossible for me to writing to you in Spanish. But i hope i can do it soon.
For me it's a really I nice way to learn English vocabulary, verbs and grammar. I created a new vocabulary lesson about leisure and health. There are many words in that lesson.
We found someone to fix our tire in Villa La Angostura, a village on the other side of the lake. We also ate lunch there and enjoyed the atmosphere of this little town, before moving on to the seven lakes drive.
For me it's a really I nice way to learn English vocabulary, verbs and grammar. I created a new vocabulary lesson about leisure and health. There are many words in that lesson.
We found someone to fix our tire in Villa La Angostura, a village on the other side of the lake. We also ate lunch there and enjoyed the atmosphere of this little town, before moving on to the seven lakes drive.