German Dictionary

Translation of cancel in German

to cancel     streichen; widerrufen
to cancel     stornieren

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Due to unforeseen car trouble, we had to cancel our trip to Punalu'u.

Wegen unvorhergesehener Autoprobleme mussten wir unseren Ausflug nach Punalu'u aufgeben.
to cancel contracts Verträge stornieren
cancel an order eine Bestellung annullieren
cancel a card eine Karte sperren lassen
to not take place; cancel ausfallen
repeal; abolish; cancel abschaffen
to cancel streichen; annullieren
cancel annullieren, stornieren
to cancel etwas streichen
to cancel absagen; stornieren
to cancel streichen, absagen
to devalue; cancel entwerten

Can we do it one day earlier? 30.April? I probably can't on the 04.05, but I will know just next week. Maybe we can do a phone lesson first and than the writing exercises. I do not feel ready yet.
I therefore created our pages so that the user can view several demos and click the Conjugate button in the Verb demo which will redirect him to the verb conjugation page of specific tenses.
The express ferry took us to Macau, a Portuguese colony near the Chinese Guangdong province. Although the distance is not short the express ferry gets there in one hour and is totally modern and reliable.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of cancel   [ canceled, canceled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of stornieren
storniere  stornierst  storniert  stornieren  storniert  stornieren  stornierte  storniertest  stornierte  stornierten  storniertet  stornierten     
Conjugation of streichen
streiche  streichst  streicht  streichen  streicht  streichen  strich  strichst  strich  strichen  stricht  strichen     
Conjugation of widerrufen
widerrufe  widerrufst  widerruft  widerrufen  widerruft  widerrufen  widerrief  widerriefst  widerrief  widerriefen  widerrieft  widerriefen