German Dictionary

Translation of bottom in German

the bottom     der Popo
the bottom     der Hintern; der Po

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He fell and was gored by the spikes at the bottom of the trap.

Er fiel und wurde von den Spießen am Boden der Falle durchbohrt.
At the bottom of Mauna Kea he put the car back in overdrive. Am Fuße des Mauna Kea schaltete er wieder in den Schongang um.
In the summer, organic matter sinks to the bottom of the lake. Im Sommer sinkt organisches Material auf den Grund des Sees.
bottom Boden (eines Gefäßes); unteres Ende
top/middle/bottom obere/mittlere/untere
bottom Boden eines Gefäßes(1)
the balance, bottom line der Saldo
rock-bottom price Niedrigstpreis
bell-bottom trousers Schlaghosen
at the bottom; downstairs unten
bottom, buttocks Gesäß
bottom Boden, Fuß (Berg)

In the early morning, before going to the airport we went to the travel office of the Vietnamese airline company to avoid about possible problems with the entry. They assured us that everything was fine.
Our fisherman stopped the boat and his nine year old girl opened a box with souvenirs, clothes and hats. We were in the middle of a river not going anywhere and had to start buying things.
Burlington in Vermont is one of the healthiest cities in the entire United States of America. The capital of Vermont is Montpellier. Apart from that Vermont offers a lot of green hills and many lakes.
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