German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: As soon as the poison enters the bloodstream, it paralyzes the body. |
Sobald das Gift in die Blutbahn gerät, lähmt es den Körper. |
With hypnotherapy, you can transform your body within weeks. | Mit Hypnotherapie können Sie Ihren Körper innerhalb von Wochen transformieren. |
The red dress looked gorgeous on her slim body. | Das rote Kleid sah hinreißend aus auf ihrem schlanken Körper. |
body fat calculator | Körperfettmessgerät |
body clock | biologische Uhr; innere Uhr |
resonating body | Resonanzkörper |
celestical body | himmelskörper |
body decoration | Körperschmuck |
student body | die Studentenschaft |
body politick | Staatskörper |
lower body | der Unterkörper |
contracting body | Auftraggeber |

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Hey. You are online! Pollution means that the air is filthy and that it is hard to breathe. I'm getting much better at German, so please correct me when I am wrong in my language. You're English is actually great.
I'm writing you in English because I don't have a lot of time and writing in German will take me a long time. Just a few corrections: you can not say in English How you do, you need to say How do you do...
Hey. You are online! Pollution means that the air is filthy and that it is hard to breathe. I'm getting much better at German, so please correct me when I am wrong in my language. You're English is actually great.
I'm writing you in English because I don't have a lot of time and writing in German will take me a long time. Just a few corrections: you can not say in English How you do, you need to say How do you do...