German Dictionary

Big in German

big      groß 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
It was a big effort to reunite West Germany and East Germany.

Es bedurfte großer Mühe West- und Ostdeutschland wiederzuvereinigen.
The elf had pointy ears and big blue eyes. Der Elf hatte spitze Ohren und große, blaue Augen.
The largest Easter egg was as big as a barrel. Das größte Osterei war so groß wie ein Fass.
big factory farmers bäuerliche Großbetriebe
big, biggest gross, grösste,r,s
tall; big groß; hoch gewachsen
big load(1); (lo:ud) grosse Fuhre
big cities große Städte
big/ huge, enormous gross/ riesig
Explosively Big Explosionartig
a big beer belly Bierbauch
big day der große Tag

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For me it's a really I nice way to learn English vocabulary, verbs and grammar. I created a new vocabulary lesson about leisure and health. There are many words in that lesson.
The road was a really horrible, but the lakes and the surrounding woods were colorful and impressive. We drove for two hours through the forest towards San Martin de los Andes, but decided to turn back before it got dark.
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