German Dictionary

Translation of baby in German

the baby      das Baby 
the baby     das Baby; der Säugling

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
With their new baby May and Mark were the happiest couple in the neighborhood.

Mit ihrem neuen Baby waren May und Mark das glücklichste Paar der Nachbarschaft.
After a premature birth the baby spent three months in an incubator. Nach der verfrühten Geburt verbrachte das Baby drei Monate in einem Brutkasten.
The peas had become very mushy, so I fed them to the baby. Die Erbsen waren sehr breiig geworden, und so gab ich sie dem Baby.
the high chair; the baby chair der Futterstuhl; der Kinderstuhl
baby / babies Säugling / Säuglinge
a brandnew baby ein neugeborenes Baby
baby grand piano Stutzflügel
the baby(babies) das Baby, Babys
expect a baby ein Kind erwarten
baby Säugling / Kleinkind
baby carriage Kinderwagen AE
expect a baby gebären

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The trip was coming to an end. We were driving to the airport knowing that we had to fly 12-hour to Spain, than a break in Spain for of around 6 hours and than the rest 4 hours, a total of 22 hours.
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