German Dictionary

Translation of amortization in German

the amortization     die Abschreibung; die Tilgung

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Losses and amortization will be discussed on the last page.

Verluste und Abschreibungen werden auf der letzten Seite behandelt.

So she and I went to the food store to buy some lunch. However, the store had almost no food and one could pay in local currency or in US dollars. One could really see the country's poor economy.
The trip included a lot of walking and the guide told us the history of this region, of the Chiapas state and also how it evolved in the context of the entire Mexican country. Very interesting!!!
Police cars drove around the town and called all citizens and tourists to leave the island immediately. I was told, that the hurricane which was supposed to go over Cuba was on the way to us.
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