German Dictionary

Translation of almost in German

almost      fast 
almost     beinahe; nahezu

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
After our Korean breakfast, our Indian lunch tasted almost bland.

Nach unserem koreanischen Frühstück schmecke unser indisches Mittagessen fast mild.
At this extremely northern latitude, there is almost no sunlight in the winter. Auf diesem extrem nördlichen Breitengrad gibt es im Winter kaum Sonnenlicht.
Frock's tenure as mayor of Ipswich is almost over. Frocks Amtszeit als Bürgermeister von Ipswich ist fast vorüber.
hardly ever; almost never fast nie
nearly; almost fast, beinahe
almost fast; nahezu; beinahe
almost always fast immer
almost fast; beinahe(1)
virtually; almost fast
almost fast,b beinahe
almost fast / beinahe
almost beinahe, fast

I am studying economics for my MA at University of California and I should stay in the US for about 4 years. My English is not good. But I want learn this language. You want learn German? yes I can teach you German. I wish you a nice day.
thanks for the compliment! Can you understand me when I write in English? Spanish sounds so beautiful when spoken. I would really like to be able to speak Spanish fluently, since I am planning a trip to Peru.
In Bariloche it took us around 3 hours to find a nice hotel. The prices varied a lot and there were no bargains. We settled for the Hotel Tirol, owned by an Austrian lady. It was a cute place with a lake view.
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