German Dictionary

Translation of Zutat

die Zutat the ingredient    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Koriander ist eine frische Zutat welche von den Vietnamesen in die Suppe hinzugefügt wird.

Cilantro is a fresh ingredient that the Vietnamese add to their soup.
Bestandteil; Zutat ingredient
Zutat ingredient

Although I put my wallet in the front pocket of my pants it was not there. I had been so diverted by the aggressiveness of these kids that I did not feel it when they grabbed it out of my pocket.
Please respond as soon as possible and we will try to fit the best solution. Oh, and we definitely need to change the sentence!!! Some good thoughts you had. We will check the trick with the auto complete...
The sun rose quickly and my images did not come out too impressive. Nevertheless, it was nice to sit on the boats roof by oneself and enjoy the quietness of the dawn in these calm waters of the Bay.
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