German Dictionary

Translation of Zugang

der Zugang the entrance    ; the access    ; the admission    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Das Passwort war falsch, und nun haben wir Probleme mit dem Zugang zu unserem Konto.

The password was wrong, and now we have problems accessing our account.
sich nähern; Herrannahen; Zugang approach
Anschluss; Eintritt; Zugang access
einfacher Zugang easy access
Einstrom, Zugang influx
Zugang, Zugriff access
zugang access

So, I have to say that the behavior of the people living in Turkey is very different from most countries in the world. They are very open, kind and funny, sometimes one can think that they are rude.
On Friday we are flying to Switzerland and then on Monday we will continue to Boston, Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire. I am very excited. Maybe this is going to be a great experience again.
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