German Dictionary

Translation of Wagen

wagen to venture    ; to dare    ; to risk    
wagen to hazard    
der Wagen the car    ; the trolley    ; the wagon    

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Sample sentences:
Es war zwar etwas gewagt, sie auf eine Fahrt auf dem Luxuskreuzer einzuladen, aber angemessen.

Inviting her for a trip on the luxury cruiser was bold but appropriate.
Niemand wagte es, das Medium irgendwelcher Lügen zu beschuldigen. Nobody dared to accuse the medium of any lies.
Kein Chemiker würde jemals wagen, gewisse Chemikalien zu mischen. No chemist would ever dare to mix certain chemicals with each other.
das Unmögliche wagen to dare the impossible
Auto; Wagen; Automobil car; vehicle; automobile
wagen, sich trauen to dare [dare](1)
dürfen; es wagen dare; do dare
Wagen; Gepäckwagen trolley
der (Gepäck-)Wagen trolley
Pferde wagen (klein) chuckwagon
herausfordern; wagen to dare
Wagen, Waggon, 2 wagon; car

I do not know what to write about Belgium, so that I will write about Greece because my mother is from Athens and i have a lot of cousins there and a lot of other relatives. That is right.
The intolerance between them rose. The Dutch population feared assaults by their neighbors and thus kept away from personal contact with anybody who was not Dutch. Clearly this issue disappeared.
I visited the Hurricane watch center's website on a hourly basis hoping it would just go away, bt hurricane Ivan was on a direct path to Havana. It did not stop my vacation plans and I left the office.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of wagen
wage  wagst  wagt  wagen  wagt  wagen  wagte  wagtest  wagte  wagten  wagtet  wagten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of dare   [ dared, dared ]
Conjugation of risk   [ risked, risked ]
Conjugation of venture   [ ventured, ventured ]