German Dictionary
German | English |
Aufseher; Aufseherin; Wärter | attendant |
(Museums-)Wärter | guard |
der Wärter | the warder |
Wärter/in | keeper |

In this poem there is not any movement, it is only a snapshot of life, it means it is a picture, almost dead, as there is no movement at all. And this is the reason why the poem seems to be calming.
Did you hear about the earthquake this morning in Greece. This is really terrible, I think that quite a few viligars lost their lifes and many more lost their homes. I am really sad for all of them.
The travel agent's representative promised that they would return us the difference of the money. They also assured us that we would get special treatment, such as extra drinks and a Kayak expedition.
Did you hear about the earthquake this morning in Greece. This is really terrible, I think that quite a few viligars lost their lifes and many more lost their homes. I am really sad for all of them.
The travel agent's representative promised that they would return us the difference of the money. They also assured us that we would get special treatment, such as extra drinks and a Kayak expedition.
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