German Dictionary

Translation of Vernunft

die Vernunft the reason    
die Vernunft the sanity    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Sinneswahrnehmungen und Vernunft wirken sich gleichermaßen auf die Entscheidungen aus, die wir treffen.

Sensory perception and reason equally contribute to the decisions we make.
die Vernunft reason; common sense
die Vernunft reason
Vernunft reason

I did not want to give them any money so they became more aggresive and began holding my hand and said 'please, please' all the time. Finally I decided to give them some money but could not find the wallet.
I would like to mention the conflict on the balkan, which has been going on for centuries. Both fought for religion and for land. During the fighting the hatred grew and stereotypes were built.
There were heaps of people in this area and we really had to struggle to get through the crowds. We drank a few beers and a couple glasses of wine and being totally tipsy Lili decided she needed to return.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of reason   [ reasoned, reasoned ]