German Dictionary
German | English |
verbindlich, freundlich; sympatisch | sympathetic |
verpflichtend; verbindlich | compulsory |
verbindlich; obligatorisch | mandatory |
verbindlich für | is binding on |
verbindlich | binding, obligatory |
freundlich, verbindlich | genial |
verbindlich | obligatory |
Today the spring really showed itself. It was over eighteen degrees and people started wearing nice and with T-shirts. Snow has melted and the temperature is steady. I can't wait for the summer.
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Supported are: German, Spanish, English (ESL) or other languages. We will also be glad to receive any comments from you. There is a 'Save lesson' button on the lower right side of the screen.
At the moment we want to keep Vocabulix free. However, we recently added a donation button at the end of each lesson (by Paypal). You may donate 10$ after completing your next lesson. That will do.
Check out these translations
sorgen für
sich schlängelnd