German Dictionary

Translation of Unternehmen

das Unternehmen  the company     
das Unternehmen the business    ; the enterprise    ; the company    ; the undertaking    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Schätzung konnte nur von Prüfern eines gewissen Ranges unternommen werden.

The valuation could only be conducted by inspectors of a certain rank.
Das Unternehmen wollte sicherstellen, dass keiner seiner Kunden irgendwelchen Spam erhalten würde. The company wanted to ensure that no customer would receive any spam.
Nachts unternahmen wir heimliche Ausflüge ins Mädchenzimmer. At night, we went on covert excursions to the girls' room.

We spoke on Friday noon, I got your details through Vocabulix friends. That is similar to what you're teacher is using. It would be best if we could meet or communicate through phone or email.
They are actually lovely hills and do not look threatening at all. That shows us that she actually loves her pregnancy and does not know what to do about it. One can really pitty this woman.
The young women rowed towards us and tried to sell food and souvenirs. We were not interested and she tried to block us and prevent us from swimming back to our vessel. So we dove beneath her.
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