German Dictionary

Translation of uninteressant

uninteressant uninteresting    

Translation by Vocabulix


uninteressant uninteresting

This is almost six hours, a long time for someone who has children and a day job. I recommend that we write eachother shorter emails and in both languages. Spanish and English next to eachother.
I interpret this as follows: It reflects the calm life without any hectic atmosphere. The life that these two are looking for (like they did before) is far away: Far away, beyond the river.
We spent the entire day doing nothing, just waiting for the night train which would take us into the northern mountain area of Vietnam, close to the Chinese border. The train left at around ten.
Newly added translation: unbestreitbar    umbuchen    tierisch    sukzessiv    stehlen    sozialistisch    sich verstehen    sehen    schrubben    schlechtreden