German Dictionary

Tanzen in English

tanzen  to dance     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Ihr ehemaliger Schüler sah gebannt zu, als sie für ihn tanzte.

Her former student looked on in amazement when she danced for him.
Die Motten tanzten einen chaotischen Tanz um die Laterne herum. The moths danced a chaotic dance around the lantern.
Nachdem wir uns die Parade angesehen hatten, tanzten wir am Fluss einen Walzer. After we attended the parade, we danced a waltz down by the river.
lachen und tanzen laugh and dance
Kannst du tanzen? Can you dance?
tanzen (to) dance
tanzen dance

It is very important that you know the exact needs of your students. There are a lot of details involved in this learning process. One should always check all options and decide what is best.
Unfortunately, it is a natural and eternal phenomenon of human beings. Whereever people have been, it appeared too. Please let me define racism in my next email to you and please share also your thoughts.
We boarded the ship and it left the port. They started with lunch, which was pretty good. The ship sailed for about an hour until it reached the bay area, which had over one thousand islands.
Newly added translation: schwer    nochmal    kurz    groß    eure    dir    benutzen    alles    Wolke    Versicherung   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of tanzen
tanze  tanzt  tanzt  tanzen  tanzt  tanzen  tanzte  tanztest  tanzte  tanzten  tanztet  tanzten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of dance   [ danced, danced ]