German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Als sie die Süßigkeiten erblickte, produzierte ihr Mund sogleich Unmengen von Speichel. |
When she saw the candy, her mouth presently produced a flood of saliva. |
Zu viele Kinder verbringen ihre Tage auf der Couch mit Süßigkeiten und Chips. | Too many children spend their days on the couch with sweets and crisps. |
Diese köstlichen Süßigkeiten liegen zu lassen wäre eine unverzeihliche Sünde. | To leave these delicious sweets behind would be an unforgivable sin. |
süß; Süßigkeiten | sweet; sweets |
Süssigkeiten; Süßigkeiten | Sweets |
Süßigkeiten | confectionery |
Bonbon, Süßigkeiten | candy |
Bonbon,Süßigkeiten | candy |
süßigkeiten | candies |

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I told her that when you meet a person and you like that person you start dating him/her. After a while, if the couple stays together they go to the next step and move together or get married.
She claimed that in order to be old, one would need to have a baby. She touched a very sensitive point of every woman around thirty five; today we have a wonderfull daugther. The converstion with her was nice.
I told her that when you meet a person and you like that person you start dating him/her. After a while, if the couple stays together they go to the next step and move together or get married.
She claimed that in order to be old, one would need to have a baby. She touched a very sensitive point of every woman around thirty five; today we have a wonderfull daugther. The converstion with her was nice.
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