German Dictionary

Translation of stammeln

stammeln to stammer    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Er stammelte eine Ausrede dafür, dass er seine Haushaltsaufgaben nicht erledigt hatte.

He stammered an excuse for not finishing his chores.
stammeln; stolpern to stumble
stammeln; stottern to stammer
stammeln; brabbeln to gibber
stammeln, brabbeln gibber

No image that each sentence takes so long and multiply it by twentyfour sentences which I had just written you in our last communication. That makes a total of three hundred sixty minutes.
On the other hand, the man is completely egotistical. All he wants is to have a sexual relationship which is not disturbed by the pregnancy. He tell her different romantic sentences to win her heart.
On the way we visited many small hill tribe villages. The walk was through green, wet rice fields. We really enjoyed it. Our guide explained us about the region and taught us some Vietnamese.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of stammeln
stammle  stammelst  stammelt  stammeln  stammelt  stammeln  stammelte  stammeltest  stammelte  stammelten  stammeltet  stammelten