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Translation of Schlägerei

die Schlägerei the affray    ; the ruction    ; the brawl    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
In der Schlägerei wurde sein Trommelfell dauerhaft beschädigt.

In the brawl, his eardrum was damaged permanently.
Die betrunkenen Männer starteten eine Schlägerei. The drunken men started a fistfight.

I try to learn English as much as possible so that I can travel next year to the United States. I would agree to your proposal but I also need to find good teachers. My goal is quality and speed.
Flying straight from Geneva to New York that does not exist, you must change planes in Zurich. You can also take a 3 hour train ride and then a connection to the airport with a local shuttle.
Actually, the East Coast is six hours behind CET, that means that I would speak on midnight at your 6 o'clock dinner. We should try written exercise first because of the huge time difference.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of brawl   [ brawled, brawled ]