German Dictionary

Can you translate: Are you using the firefox browser? Install this tool in your browser window. The ones I suggested the other day are the most useful ones, because we would use it for generic terms which differ from Spanish.
I didn't find any this time, but I'm paying close attention. I have received your message. At the upper right corner you have a link 'show my words' that display the words you have entered so far in both languages.
Hi there again. I would love to visit you very much. I will keep that in mind for our next vacation... Your English is very good and I can't imaging that you have just learned it for two years.
I didn't find any this time, but I'm paying close attention. I have received your message. At the upper right corner you have a link 'show my words' that display the words you have entered so far in both languages.
Hi there again. I would love to visit you very much. I will keep that in mind for our next vacation... Your English is very good and I can't imaging that you have just learned it for two years.
Do you know the meaning of?