German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Ihre Romanze schafft es, gleichzeitig subtil und leidenschaftlich zu sein. |
Their romance manages to be subtle and passionate at once. |
Romanze; Liebesgeschichte | romance |
Romanze; Roman | romance |

I arrived there but could not find a hotel immediately, so that I took my luggage with me. I know that this is very provocative to thiefs. One should not walk on the street with a big backpack.
Sounds great. Sorry, it took me a while to get back to you. Did you book the Helmhaus (which Monica suggested) or the Seidenhof (which I gave her in the end)? Will make sure, they give you good rooms...
You may have seen our Language-School book section where we have descriptions of over 120 language schools world wide. Do you have a program for foreign students? If so, it may be very interesting.
Sounds great. Sorry, it took me a while to get back to you. Did you book the Helmhaus (which Monica suggested) or the Seidenhof (which I gave her in the end)? Will make sure, they give you good rooms...
You may have seen our Language-School book section where we have descriptions of over 120 language schools world wide. Do you have a program for foreign students? If so, it may be very interesting.
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