German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Ein ganzes Regal war dem englischen Suffix gewidmet. |
An entire bookshelf was dedicated to the English suffix. |
Das Regal war aus dünnem Plastik und sah unstabil aus. | The shelf was made of thin vinyl and looked unstable. |
Die Regale standen voll mit Töpfen und Tassen aus Ton. | The shelves were full of pots and cups made of clay. |
Regal; Regalbrett; (Steil-)Küste | shelf |
Regal; Bücherregal | shelf; bookshelf |
Regal, Bord, Ablage | shelf; (schälf) |
das Regal, Regale | the shelf(shelves) |
(Bücher-) Regal | bookshelves |
(Bücher-)Regal | bookshelves |
Regal; Regelbrett | shelf |
Regal | open shelve unit |
Regal | shelf, shelves |

One of the most difficult problems I have (and I am sure that others have it too) is getting used to the superficiality of the life in the US. To be superficial means to me not to be able to recognize.
He advised against traveling in this region at night as they were many violent robberies and one should return before dusk. He told me that he himself got robbed about two months earlier just here.
Usually I do not care too much about not getting change, but when you pay a 3 dollar ride with 50 dollars, you do actually expect change. We stood there for a while and neither of us knew what to do.
He advised against traveling in this region at night as they were many violent robberies and one should return before dusk. He told me that he himself got robbed about two months earlier just here.
Usually I do not care too much about not getting change, but when you pay a 3 dollar ride with 50 dollars, you do actually expect change. We stood there for a while and neither of us knew what to do.
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