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Translation of Reflex

der Reflex the reflex    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Neurologe testete seine Reflexe und sagte alles sei in bester Ordnung.

The neurologist tested his reflexes and said everything was fine.
Reflex reflex

We drove towards the university where he studied and from there we drove to the hospital where he worked. He told me that there were hospitals for locals and for foreigners with different medical equipment and staff.
The bus was supposed to leave at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, so that I still had two to three hours to organize. I went for lunch at some strange place and hardly ate as it was too ugly.
We started to look for other options and found the Salvation Army Boot lodge, which had much larger rooms for half the price. The second and third night we would stay there before moving on.
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