German Dictionary

Translation of Polarlicht

das Polarlicht the aurora    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Sie hatten einmal Polarlichter auf ihrer Hochzeitsreise in Schottland gesehen.

They had seen the aurora once in Scotland during their honeymoon.

Luckily it didn't happen to me, my kids really grew up with us all the time. And besides, they are not allowed do that, because they are monitored endlessly. If they don't attend class they could find themselves on the next train going home.
Everything in your letter is perfect! Almost no errors and the writing style, very impressive! After this first year in England, you have also improved your vocabulary and the grammar skills.
I am really glad, Eddy! But I am flying to Switzerland (for work and for the Euro 2008). When are you coming again? If it is not too much to ask, we'll meet now and then watch the game between Holland and France.
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