German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Nachdenklich zog er die Pfeile aus der Wand. |
Looking pensive, he pulled the darts out of the wall. |
Er kerbte seinen Pfeil ein, so dass er ihn später wiedererkennen würden. | He nicked his arrow so he would recognize it again later. |
Der Engel flog herbei und schoss einen Pfeil durch Marias Herz. | The Angel flew by and shot an arrow through Maria's heart. |

We spoke on Friday noon, I got your details through Vocabulix friends. That is similar to what you're teacher is using. It would be best if we could meet or communicate through phone or email.
Let me talk about nicer things in this email. In the last mail we spoke about the poems that we have read in our last spring break. We are not of the kind who love partying all night. We came to relax.
The sun rose quickly and my images did not come out too impressive. Nevertheless, it was nice to sit on the boats roof by oneself and enjoy the quietness of the dawn in these calm waters of the Bay.
Let me talk about nicer things in this email. In the last mail we spoke about the poems that we have read in our last spring break. We are not of the kind who love partying all night. We came to relax.
The sun rose quickly and my images did not come out too impressive. Nevertheless, it was nice to sit on the boats roof by oneself and enjoy the quietness of the dawn in these calm waters of the Bay.
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