German Dictionary

Translation of Parcours

der Parcours the course    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Der Parcours dieses Reitsportwettkampfes erfordert viel Mut von den Teilnehmern.

The course of this riding competition asks a huge amount of valor from the competitors.

So you see, the problem is pretty much psychological. It is not that I do not like it, it is rather a problem because I am always imagining what I am eating. I always try to think about the animal alive.
Sometimes this is an outcome of personal problems or incidents. For example, there could be a crime commited by someone of a certain origin. The consequence could be that the victims would blame an entire community.
The ferry took me to the island. Sitting next to me there was a local guy with two packs of beer, and he seemed pretty drunk for this hour of the day. He offered me some beer and I was polite.
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