German Dictionary

Translation of Lagerhalle

die Lagerhalle the depot    ; the warehouse    

Translation by Vocabulix


Lagerhalle; Geschäft; Warenhaus store
Müll-Lagerhalle Waste Storage Area
Lagerhalle; Lagerverkauf warehouse
Lager, Lagerhalle warehouse
Lager/Lagerhalle warehouse

My parents were Italian, but the first language I learned was Spanish, since we lived in southern Spain. Very close to Gibraltar. When I was older, like twelve I moved with them back to Lucca in Italy.
Maybe we would need to say install our dictionary as a software? But I would say instead of install, use our dictionary as a software. So bottom line. If I use the singular form for newsletters and websites, I am on the safe side for both?
Thank you for your kind message. I have not done anything for my Spanish because I have too much work at my job. I might write you a letter, but I'm so busy at work that I can't afford other hobbies.
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