German Dictionary

Translation of Köder

der Köder the bait    
der Köder the decoy    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Angler hatten all das typische Anglerzubehör mitgebracht - Eimer, Köder, und Angelruten.

The fishermen had brought all the typical fishing equipment - buckets, floats, and rods.
Köder, die glänzen und sich bewegen, locken die Fische an. Baits that glitter and move decoy the fish.
Köder bait

The human is capable of recognition of the world with its ingredients. Frost presents us with a poem in which everything is white and bright. The picture he gives us seems to be very peaceful.
And others are not, some of us are speaking (too) freely about it, without paying attention to what they really say. Some of us know how to restrain because we know that these feelings are malicious.
The Lagoon Explorer had only room for eight passengers and crew. We were really excited once we saw the boat, as it looked beautiful. There was a couple from D.C. which also booked the same boat.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of bait   [ baited, baited ]